Reversal of Risk for Metabolic Syndrome in a Post-Menopausal Woman Presenting with Multiple Medical Problems Using an Integrative Treatment Approach: A Case Report
Nutrition Spokesperson on a variety of nutrition and therapeutic related topics for medical personnel and the public including but not limited to:
Experience Life Magazine
Teen Vogue
ADA Nepdg and NCC Journal
Health Wise magazine
Fox 5 / UPN Channel 9 News the I Team
Prevention Magazine c/o Good Morning America
Get Active Magazine
American Dietetic Association Journal
MORE Magazine
SHAPE, Magazine
Queens Chronicle
Fitness Magazine
Channel 12 Bronx
Nutritionally Speaking with Dr. Renata “Your Menopause Mentor” (monthly wellness newsletter)
My Books
It's time for a PAUSE
Menopause, like puberty, is a natural hormonal process that midlife women experience. While it is inevitable that all women will go through menopause …
Poems From the Heart” is a collection of emotional verses from my soul, capturing the sadness, highs, and lows I experienced from a young age through the present …
Me and You Together Forever’ is Book 1 of the ‘Lucy Blue Eyes’ series. It is an enchanting story and activity book introducing Lucy, a curious little girl …
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