There are four words that are oftentimes so much easier to say than to actually feel – especially when you’re in the thick of a difficult situation and you’ve concluded that it just isn’t possible for anyone else to understand.
Four words that are easy to speak to others in the midst of their own down times, but hard to comprehend for yourself when the shoe has found its way to the other foot.
Four words that are seemingly simple but hold more weight than meets the eye.
What four words you might ask?
You are not alone.
Now, let’s pause for a moment and read that again.
You are not alone.
Read those four words as many times as you want and even say them out loud if you need to.
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
YOU are NOT alone.
I am so incredibly thrilled to share this space with you and am delighted that more and more women are openly discussing menopause. Women used to suffer in silence, believing all the unpleasant symptoms were “normal.” Well, while the symptoms are common, they do not have to be a part of your normal, everyday life.
During my research of menopause and along my own journey I’ve created a space for many women to come together and collectively share their personal experiences with menopause. Though the journey through life with menopause is personal, we’ve found that we can help one-another navigate the terrain together. Through the connectedness of the group of women I lead and am also peer to, we’ve realized at various times that one woman has already experienced a particular symptom that another may currently be experiencing and can therefore offer insight and guidance for the journey. We’ve also learned to find comfort in the fact that someone else is experiencing the same things we are at the same time, which helps us to lean on one another for support and offers solace to the words we’ve come to embrace …
We are NOT alone.
Through my more than 20 years of serving thousands of women who have learned to pause their symptoms of menopause, one reoccurring consistent piece is that they were overjoyed that they weren’t alone.
One of my patient’s struggle, which I believe is fitting for this occasion is that of Dianna’s. Dianna struggled with the menopausal symptom of mood swings and found at times they seemed unbearable, but through our discussions she shared these words, which are so simple but poignant:
“It is important to be surrounded by loved ones. The bottom line is that you can’t go through this alone. This truth helped me get through some tough times in my worst menopausal years. I learned how to cope with things and how not to stay in a cloud of depression. My mom taught me that our bodies go through many different changes and to love myself just the way I am. My entire family was a great support system for me during menopause.”
Now, I do understand that not all of us have a solid support system via family, or friends, or other likeminded women who are also going through menopause or have already trekked the journey for some time. But, if you can recall in my first blog, that is why I created this space – in hopes of building a community of women wherein we inspire, encourage, and motivate each other, everywhere, to start living the life we never thought we could even while living with menopause.
And the kicker is, none of us have to live it alone.
Connecting with likeminded women and sharing our stories gives us a safe space to overcome our struggles and help others overcome theirs. My community of midlife women is an important group of individuals; the cohesiveness stems from sharing our relatable situations, usually happening at similar times. Women coming together is a powerful team and we can help one another through the toughest of times. We are always there for each other, no matter what life brings our way – whether it is a dreadful symptom suddenly taking over our lives or a positive situation we want to share and celebrate.
In short, sharing these moments make us as one and that’s the space I aim to create here.
So, if there’s one thing you take away from this message, please know …
You are not alone.
We are not alone.
And remember to remind yourself …
I am NOT alone.
~Dr. Renata