Yoga and Meditation Helps Relive Menopausal Symptoms

Yoga and Meditation Helps Relive Menopausal Symptoms

For the woman out there who due to menopause may be experiencing a particular discomfort with her body …

This one’s for you.

Now, before we talk about any problem, I want to give you a solution.

I can hear you asking, “How might you do that, Renata?”  We haven’t talked about a problem yet.

Well, if you’ve been here, even for a short time, you’ve recognized we’ve already pinpointed the problem:

*Cue spooky Frankenstein intro … or The Addams’s Family for you younger whippersnappers*

That dreaded “M” word …

Yes.  Menopause.

Whether you’re on the cusp of menopause, or right in the thick of its madness, I have an answer to your frustration.

Yoga and Meditation.

While I don’t suggest this as a complete cure-all, I do know that research and case studies have proven yoga and meditation are key to relieving emotional and physical menopausal symptoms.   If that doesn’t cause you to tilt your head and stroke your chin in consideration, I’ll also share that the sixteen women I surveyed for my book, “It’s Time for a PAUSE” all reported at least 95% relief from their menopausal symptoms due to the incorporation of yoga and meditation on a consistent basis.

Simply put, yoga and meditation are beneficial for managing numerous menopausal symptoms, which we know firsthand can be extremely uncomfortable.  Yoga can also help with the emotional side effects of menopause as well as the physical discomfort that accompanies the journey.

I could go on about all the benefits of yoga and meditation via research studies and patients I’ve surveyed, but I’d rather tell you a bit of my own story.

To be honest, I’d always dreamed of trying yoga but was afraid that I wouldn’t be good at it.

“You’re too old Renata, that ship has sailed.”

“You can’t bend your body into a pretzel so let’s not even try.”

“No way you can do a handstand the way those yogis do so … NEXT!!”

“What if people whisper about you because of how you look in your yoga outfit?  Ugh, NO THANKS!”

Crazy now that I think back on it – we can always come up with a thousand reasons why we can’t, shouldn’t, or don’t want to do something without giving regard to “why not?”

And that’s just what I did shortly after my 45th birthday – I hung up all the ‘why I cant’s/should not’s and don’t want to’s and traded them in for a good old, “Renata, you are you and nothing can stop you from the happiness you deserve;” hence, I decided to at least try.

And yes, you read that correctly, I was 45 when I first embarked upon yoga – it wasn’t too late for me then, and it’s not too late for you now.

Initially, it took me awhile to muster up the courage to call a yoga studio to schedule classes but ever since my first session, I haven’t looked back. 

I remember walking into the studio and mulling over all the worries I previously mentioned.  I had every reason to retreat from the scary ordeal I had premeditated in my mind.  But instead, I decided to be brave.

As I walked in, I told myself I should sit next to the biggest, clumsiest woman I could find, but realized that

person might be me!  So instead, I sat close to the door in case I wanted to quietly “slip” out.  Surprisingly, once the class began, I forgot my fears.

Ever since that first class, I’ve made yoga and meditation a part of my life and cannot imagine my life without it. 

And guess what?  I still can’t do a handstand (I think I’m still afraid), but it doesn’t even matter!  The benefits of yoga have truly been life changing.

I’ve also coupled my yoga routines with meditation and mindfulness to help my mind as well as my body relax.  Contrary to popular belief, meditation isn’t necessarily sitting in silence for an extended period – it’s purposeful thinking and relaxing.

Did someone say relaxing?  I’ll take three cups, please!

Yoga and meditation have not only given me the gift of health and vitality, but also a chance to help other

women realize their bodies – like mine – are gifts to use and treasure always.

You don’t have to become YouTube’s Next Top Yogi, but I do encourage you to give yoga and meditation a try – it’s done wonders for me and multiple other women and I’m sure it could do the same for you.

~Dr. Renata

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