My Books

It's time for a PAUSE

Menopause, like puberty, is a natural hormonal process that midlife women experience. While it is inevitable that all women will go through menopause …

Poems From The Heart

Poems From the Heart” is a collection of emotional verses from my soul, capturing the sadness, highs, and lows I experienced from a young age through the present …

Me & You Together Forever

Me and You Together Forever’ is Book 1 of the ‘Lucy Blue Eyes’ series. It is an enchanting story and activity book introducing Lucy, a curious little girl …

Fun With Fruits And Vegetables

This coloring book is designed as a companion to the ‘Lucy Blue Eyes’ series. It introduces children to a variety of fruits and vegetables…

We Accept Most Insurance Plans

We accept a wide range of insurance providers, unlimited sessions with no out- of-pocket costs across the USA. If your insurance is not listed, please contact us for more information and assistance.

Most insurance plans accepted across the USA, typically with no out of pocket fees​

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