Hello Beautiful

Hello Beautiful

Hello beautiful!  Yes, I’m talking to YOU.  I know you may not feel that way right now with everything seemingly going awry in your mind, emotions, and body.  Some days you may feel off and not like yourself at all – unable to recognize who’s starring back at you in the mirror.   I remember those days and I could say I’d like to forget them, but without them I wouldn’t be where I am now – living every day to the fullest even with menopause.

Now that I have your attention, I’d like to ask you a question.

Would you mind taking a journey with me?

No, this isn’t a test study wherein you’ll be asked to try a plethora of products and document their nuances for fast cash, and I promise this isn’t my attempt at some get-rich-quick scheme.  Honestly, I’d just like for us to spend some time together – once a month for the next 12-months as I blog about my experience with menopause and how I’ve learned to navigate its terrain instead of allowing it to slow me down.  And while you’re here reading about my experience, I’m welcoming you to tell me about yours – the good, the bad, and everything in-between. 

My goal is to inspire, encourage, and motivate women everywhere to start living the life they never thought they could even while living with menopause.

I’ve written a book titled, “It’s Time for a PAUSE” and it holds the key to easing or even eliminating menopause symptoms altogether.  As a matter of fact, if I had read a book like this one before feeling broken by menopause, I would have saved myself years of unnecessary suffering and thousands of dollars – who doesn’t want that?!

I know by now you may be rolling your eyes.  Or maybe you’re saying you’ve heard it all before via this article, that webpage, and all those conversations with your girlfriends who have either gone through, are in, or possibly on their way to enduring exactly what you’re living right now.  But I can tell you this time is different and because you’re still reading, I know there’s a part of you, even still, looking for that difference. 

I don’t have any gimmicks, and I’m not a salesperson.  I’m just a woman living with menopause who had to learn to find herself all over again. 

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m glad you found me.

I’m glad I found you

But most of all, I’m glad that you’re taking advantage of the opportunity to take your life back because honestly that’s what it’s really about. 

To the woman ready to get her life back … To the woman who has never practiced yoga or meditation … And to the woman who tried and gave up …

You need this book.  I can’t promise that you’ll feel twenty-five again, but I do promise you will be in your forties, fifties and beyond feeling fabulous with just a few tweaks to your daily habits.  It’s never too late to make changes.

So, let’s go beautiful!  Yes, YOU!  I know you’ve been knocked down, but I’m here to help you out of the mud and teach you how to live a life with no stains – menopause and all.

~Dr. Renata

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